Total Comfort has been a good neighbor in Salem since 1975. Jerry Page, our founder, was raised in Salem and graduated from Portland State University. We started as a small insulation business and, with the help of our exceptional staff, have grown to become a national leader in whole-house weatherization.
Over the past 40 years, Total Comfort has assembled a team of skilled and talented employees whom you can trust with your home. We use our own installation crews who have been highly trained to exceed industry standards — many of whom have been with Total Comfort for a decade or more.

Jerry Page, owner and founder of Total Comfort Weatherization, is a third generation Oregonian, raised in the Salem area. He graduated from Silverton High School in 1968 and received a B.S. in Business Administration from Portland State University in 1973.
Jerry is a recognized authority in home energy conservation and has been active in many energy-related organizations. He served as the National President of the Blow In Blanket Contractors Association and was a member of their Board of Directors for six years. He served two terms as President of the Oregon Weatherization Contractors and Manufacturers Association and served as their Legislative Liason for six years. He is currently the president of Weatherization Industries Save Energy, a public policy advocacy group working to help homeowners save energy in their homes. Jerry has also served as a contractor consultant to the Bonneville Power Administration and the Oregon Department of Energy.
He has lectured nationally and has been instrumental in writing weatherization specifications for utility conservation programs. Jerry has also been active in promoting installer certification requirements to increase professionalism in the weatherization industry.
Alan Anderson has been with Total Comfort Weatherization since August of 2003. He has loved building since he was young.
In 1983, Alan started Alan Anderson’s Custom Building, based here in Salem, where he specialized in custom home building and residential and small business remodeling. Alan built numerous homes in the Salem, Portland, and Vancouver areas for more than 25 years. These homes ranged in size from 1,400 sq. ft. starter homes to 13,000 sq. ft. luxury homes for some of Oregon’s wealthiest citizens.
His vast experience in construction gives him firsthand knowledge of the products and applications needed to achieve any homeowner’s dream. Alan brings his 30 years of experience to each customer as he strives to help them achieve their goal of a warm, safe, and attractive home at an economical price.
For the love of construction Mark enjoys how it all comes together. With over 40 years of building experience from homes to commercial he takes pleasure insuring each component of a structure is in harmony with another.
Although a home’s envelope system functions structurally it must provide for comfort, energy efficiency and aesthetics. The home systems have to mesh with each other to perform effectively and efficiently providing a safe and comfortable living, work, and, play environment.